Posted by Flea on 2005-12-26 20:53:47
Woah! A new episode of Scrubs will be on next week! There's been nothing good to watch and I miss Scrubs. I hope it stays as good as it has been. /me dances o/
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Seasons are great!
Posted by Flea on 2005-12-24 20:51:36
It's finally snowing. Well, it has been for a few weeks. I got a chance to hit the mountains 2 weeks ago. It was lots of fun. Hopefully, I'll get lots of snowboarding in this winter. In other news, um.... there is no other news. Happy Holidays (that's PC speak for Merry Christmas).
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Posted by Flea on 2005-10-29 19:51:16
I dunno what happened, but I lost all the old postings that were here. Lets hope it doesn't happen again.
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